I was in a place, a place where people are small but they can fly, where pig-cows, chicken-dogs and different kinds of mixed-breed of animals exists.
It was weird, but I like seeing a fairytale kind of world. As I was strolling looking for magic rainbows, and flying carpets, I saw a castle, A wonderful castle, a castle with six-hundred rooms, a castle full of mirrors and chandeliers!
I loved the castle because it has a book, a book where you decide what to put in there and it'll all come to reality.
I wished to have wings, wings with feathers that'll make you sneeze!
And instantly it popped on my back! I was so glad to have em'; I also wished for a treasure chest full of gold and instantly, with just a blink-of-an-eye, it was there, I also wrote for me to have a pet dog, and it's there!
The dog looked like the chicken-dog but with four feet, without its wings and its beak.
If I could only write all the things I want.
"Oh, I forgot to wish for a butler, a maid, a mistress, a driver, a, a cook and a pig for my dinner later."
All of the things I've wished for popped in front of my very own eyes...
"Oh, I'd love to live in that castle." I said that time.
When the butler was finished cooking dinner, and I was about to eat, I heard a knock....
(( Knock. )) (( Knock. ))
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